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PhotoShop (Examples of Photo manipulating -usually taking things in and out.)

I've been doing this for years but new technology is making it harder to put butter on my bread...but if you have a photo that needs work that an app is not able to accomplish for you, let me know! I do it the old fashioned way with my eye of what needs to be done. No automatic apps for me! So if you have a special project that needs special attention...let me know!


I've done lots ... no need to post them all... I know my viewers are imaginative and get the picture! (Pun intended!)

PUNKified Doggie!

PUNKified Doggie!

Creative Art Department created a punk dog per request by PAALS for their annual fundraiser UnGala.Not a simple cut & paste. Required several layers of transparency to get his eye to look natural, skewing & warping to match... This is how it's done to meet YOUR vision!

How many dogs??

How many dogs??

Have you ever tried to get 11 dogs to behave for ONE shot? Took over 8 different photos to get the best shot for a calendar cover.

Theatre production

Theatre production

Needed photo for website/promotional..but existing photos just weren't "perfect."

Local Swim Team Request

Local Swim Team Request

Created Sports Illustrated covers as gifts for final presentations for local swim team.

College Room Mates

College Room Mates

Created original art pieces that could hang side by side, and taken with the college room mates after graduation.

College Room mates

College Room mates

Used more colors than other processors and added white to teeth & eyes to give it a more personal & realistic look.

Example of PS process

Example of PS process

Identified photos to be featured. Cutout. Removed, or blurred background to preserve or add depth and incorporated into final. See final in the MARKETING/GRAPHICS folder. Photos by Dave McLaurin

PhotoShop (Restoration)

My favorite thing is putting people in and cleaning bad photos.  I've done SO many..from families to organizations... I just can't keep track of  them all are some of my favorites.

Suporting small businesses, non-profit organizations & independent contractors for over 16 years.

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